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Welcome To

Payel Tilak World

My Personal Information

I am Payel..I am student of Bsc in Computer Science & Enginnering (CSE) at the Port City International University. I lives in Chittagong. But my hometown is Feni. Mt family member is 4.My father is a business man & my mother is a housewife. My little brother also studying in class 9. I really want to go Canada for higher education..I will try go there.

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My journey with Programming Hero

Become a Web Developer

I will become a web developer..This couse helps us very much. I heard about this course at first my friends anik and sumon..They are very helpful. Now I am very Excited & Anxious about this course.



Full Stack Developer

2022 presents & pro level developer

I am the master of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I know everything needed to make a website function, efficient. I didn't stop with the web. I went beyond with most popular Javascript framework called Vue JS. I even know the deployment, server and security. I will give you 100% web solution.

Baby Web Developer

2022-2024 & Hero Learner

They didn't offer me a job. But I made myself as a remove web developer. I made their website and showed it to them. They liked it. And uploaded the content. It was fun working at Programming Hero.